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Ketosis and south beach diet -

20-12-2016 à 21:45:02
Ketosis and south beach diet
Maybe you had some low level inflammation in your airways that was bad enough for you to take notice now that the dietary changes have eliminated, or greatly reduced, it. Willet and of course your work Peter (which finally put all the pieces together) I have developed framework for nutrition which I present here. I race mtb ultras and recently did a shorter event of 52 miles here in Steamboat. Anyway, I quit racing years ago and consumed massive quantities of horrible carbs at the time because I thought it was required. Two separate issues — the ethanol itself and the sugar and carbs that often accompany it. I am primarily an endurance focused athlete and the transition to low carb, which I began back in June of 2013, has been very difficult for me in terms of running and other aerobic performance. Peter, I thought you might be interested in this video of Dr. In your posts, I dig through your every sentence, looking for morsels. , rest). But, the key is knowing how much you need and when to take them. After such a ride I feel the most profound mental tiredness and I just want to close my eyes and fall asleep. Mine has gone from 42 to 68 over the last four months of being keto adapted. I think great teaching requires the ability to know when to go simple vs. d. I really should start measuring my blood ketones to get a better idea of where I am in ketosis. See post with video link to IHMC talk (2 or 3 posts ago). This is not a healthy state to be in and is the cause of your current health problems. is there a reason for this. 9 liters per min, which means (using the Weir formula which I presented previously) my energy requirement was about 14 kcal per minute, or 1,680 kcal over 2 hours. Peter, I found out about you from a recommendation of Tim Ferriss. I am one to think that all results must be studiously analyzed before drawing upon conclusions. Every animal lives longer on a low calorie diet or by someway tricking the body to think it is in a low calorie state. Sometimes this is very good, but other times it can be counter-productive. Perhaps this can be said of all nutrition, which is a shame. This is almost always met with a fall in BHB (and AcAC, I suspect, if we measured it). Even though I actually rode stronger (e. Kory, I too am a T1 for a relatively short time (2 years). The classic Marino text was very helpful, but no mention of exercise, of course, just sepsis, burns, cardiogenic shock, etc. Peter, at some point it would be wonderful to hear your views on protein, carbs and high-intensity strength training, which I know you also do. I love sushi (though I now mostly eat sashimi). We have briefly discussed on another thread that I have had similar experiences to you with regards to carbs and ketosis, in that I can sometimes consume upwards to 200-300g of carbs and not only still be in ketosis but record very high levels 4-5mmol, just hours after this consumption around long hard training. Catechol surge, plus increased demand for glycolysis increase HGO and blood glucose rises. It seems that once my body is adapted, when faced with the effort such as the race, it wants to burn fat and will spare the glycogen even with ketone levels reading low. The whole point about the religious fervor is spot on. One of those objectives is balancing my physical performance (I am largely a sedentary individual, except for 3 activities: cycling, swimming, strength training with a bend towards high-intensity interval training ) objectives and my health objectives. This simple shift in mindset has had profound consequences for me and my family. Lets face it todays food tastes a lot better then the tough, bitter, small wild plants of our ancestors. Peter Attia, M. I deal in facts and data and am very practical and pragmatic. I think you and I are about the same size. I would still guess the answer is very little, but I love learning new biochemistry. Boy that must be good for an inflamed body to be dehydrated. As I understand it Candida comes from an overgrowth of the kind of bacteria that processes sugar. Recently I noticed that I am losing more hair than usual, and based on my own research, this is not unusual on any diet regimen, particularly low carb, and generally corrects itself once your weight stabilizes, when taking into account hair growth cycles. Another strong piece of evidence for our ancestors eating a diet high in plant food is our inability to produce vitamin C which almost exclusively comes from plants. I prefer replacing my glycogen stores with protein. Myself and my Dad have responded well to the Keto diet and we feel great. Once I get going with longer rides, the following few days I feel so much stronger without a need for a long warmup. Absolutely. g. Here, I describe 13 years of my experiment in glucose starvation and high intensity interval training. There is no need to load for such a short event. Peter: I always assume that alcohol (wine) goes into the carb percentage of calories. To stay aerobic for that long a ride, is that due to your huge aerobic base or because of the switch you illustrated in the incredible video presentation regarding the beta gobbledegook in ketosis. Levels of 2-4 mM will be need to be tested to actually start replacing glucose as neuron fuel. I went and had my blood test done recently, and my insulin level is at 14 (even though the optimal level said it should be at 3-9. Could the bonk have been CAUSED by the small amount of carb I ingested. Still, 6 hours at a. Have you read Lyle McDonalds work on Ketogenic Diets. Do you think NK will sustain me for these short 15-minute high-intensity workouts or should I look to add a few carbs post workout. What made me focus in on the IR was the experiences of my pregnancies (I have 4 children). Like you, the exercise I do is pretty intense, mostly high intensity interval training. Dan, mostly covered in the 2 part series of ketosis I did a few months ago. g. Humans are not great at turning plant based Omega 3s into biologically active forms and hence must have come from somewhere. Very intriguing and insightful, Dr. Only exception I can think of is the narwhal whale. This was defined by RQ, which is a bit misleading. It was a fairly hilly race, both bike and run. Does my heavy inhaling and exhaling during the entire lift help me lift aerobically instead of anaerobically. Grains were a lot lower in carbohydrates and higher in protein when our ancestors lived. An inquisitive mind that humbly acknowledges how little i understand about my own body. The RIAD study published out of Germany back in 2002 (Henkel, E. So look to replace glycogen, but little more. Am I still in danger of getting diabetes. What do you recommend is the best way to do so. Everything I learned about SIRS I learned during 5 years of critical care medicine. I found your blog and NuSci through reading G. Question is, how long might this take, or is that just impossible to tell. I am not nearly as rigorous and data driven as you are. I have figured out some of my triggers that will set me off course, and I have found some supplements or key foods that support or help me stay on course, but I sure wish there was more solid data in this area. Certainly RQ changes but not sure why this would change. Long story short, I have decided that at 46 I had to quit smoking (which I did 2 months ago) and I very recently started a low carb diet to kick start fat burning and this has worked. This mishuganeh level of bike riding must create quite a stress induced cortisol output. Would you comment on the recent release of Grain Brain by Dr. My average normalized power output was 225 watts, and arithmetic average power output was 184 watts. The process changes many biochemical variables, so would likely affect the results in metabolic research. Assuming you adopt a proper low-carb diet, a bunch of other factors should be taken care of all at once. For example, is something occurring in the mitochondria. My own 3 week experiment was a bit of a bust, I was never able to get into NK, must have been the protein although my wife basicallly eating the same diet as me had no problem and she was doing no exercise. , resolution of IR before reduction of weight, suggesting gut flora change in response to biliary changes, which alters IR before reduction in adiposity). Generally I have taken it easier on these longer rides averaging 17-18mph vs 18-20 on the shorter runs (this is a single speed (fixed) bike, not aero ). Basically, I was entirely dependent on carbohydrates for energy. I am off to buy the September issue of Scientific American in the morning. I am wondering now if I am missing a huge piece by not looking at ketosis. Eat organ meats, marrow and other parts of the animal that have a lot of nutrients. I can do hard activity all day without needing to eat (I usually only eat breakfast and dinner anyway). I am type I diabetic (for the past 11 months) and have been on an insulin pump for the past 6. It seems to quickly shift me right back into the carb-craving, blood sugar-swinging person I was a year ago (before adopting a paleo diet). Needless to say, this (hopefully) explains your confusion. SNS, mostly through adrenalin, seems to do the trick for me, because this is what (from what I have been reading) kick-starts release of free fatty acids from the fat cells. Also, I wanted to add that I was not hungry at ALL the day the race ended (it was 12 noon to 12 noon, I slept for 8 hours at night due to heavy rains and a bad headache), and I was eating nonstop a few days after. According to my ketostix I was either out of ketosis or almost. Tissue repair and the other things you list still require converting the potential energy of C-C and C-H bonds into other sources of energy. When I am not exercising my appetite falls dramatically and, as I alluded to, I actually get lighter, probably due to less inflammation. Of course the calories input should be reduced accordingly, but the macro-nutrients ratios should remain the same. keep up your wonderful work but take up less stressful hoobies. It might help me zero in on my diet a little better on my lazy days. ). 3 Metabolism of Acetone, which gives a list of prior studies used to study both endogenous and external exposure. There are far more protective compounds in plants than animals. 4%, Philippines 4. I am keeping net carbs around 20 to 30 grams, but feel good when they include some berries. I guess you can say that I had a water-bonk. However Vitamin A in excess is very hard on the body. During the first week of this diet I was able to maintain mileage with some loss in pace. Crab apples are a lot closer to what our ancestors would have come across. This recommendation to the European Union suggests calories off by up to 25% (by Geoffrey Livesey, an author of the 1988 study, who should probably be considered the archetype of the calorie is calorie camp). Every 4 to 6 months is probably good, but I realize you may not much say in Canada with health insurance. After 3 weeks of almost no carbs I lost no weight every morning 155 to 160 lbs. I really look forward to what you write about the fructose. Davis also commonly suggests a course of probiotics to recovering ex-wheat eaters. 85 IF is pretty intense. g. A lower RQ at a given level of intensity means less demand on glycogen. Even if you restrict carbs to near zero levels. , BHB levels higher than glucose levels, when both measured in mM). g. My goal is very much like yours, to balance my performance AND overall health and wellness. Breakfast (pre-ride): 5 scrambled eggs, 2 sausage links, 3 pieces of bacon, coffee with cream. There are days, though, when I overshoot my glycogen need and end up with a low BHB and high fasting glucose the following morning. The fact that you can finish a 100 mile ride with your club during adaptation is actually quite remarkable. Peter hi been attempting a higher fat diet that is lower in carb since I came across your ted talk and your blog. Thank you for all that you do, and if this is a real biological pathway for converting Ketones into Glucose I hope someone can make use of it in understanding how Dietary Ketosis functions on a deeper level. Third question, is oatmeal ok as a carb source just after or during a ride ( perhaps in the form of a flapjack). Anyway, I have been ketogenic now for a while, not far off a year. Many of the questions and answers here are very insightful, keep it up. Does that mean that the only advantage of carbs is that you can exhaust a muscle to a higher degree. If no article, do you know of any good studies. Is it possible Skeletor is a healthier weight (and worth the craziness). And so far, only a small proportion of the research literature has explored the many questions of interest using models that specify CHO intake or quantify ketone levels. In addition to all the common benefits that I experience, I have noticed, even though I still travel weekly by plane, that I havent had a cold pretty much since then, which is strange, since before the ketogenic diet I cought colds frequently. ). Your work is greatly appreciated and is already improving the lives of many people, I am absolutely sure of that. 4mM) and did light carb loading two dys out (500g total) mixed with lots of fat, big steak dinner night before. 1 to 3 and Large HDL-P was down from 4. I lost 35 pounds on a LCHF diet, and now have a BMI under 25. I thought insulin was one of the most important anabolic hormones. What has brought me serious progress in my weight loss was understanding the IR and focusing on that-as oppososed to weight loss (a distinction that you have repeatedly noted). I would still argue that we should really emphasize plants foods (ie nuts, beans, veggies, fruits and possible a tiny bit of grain now and then. There are other high energy molecules that I think improve human health that are only found in animals as well. I crave it (and not bagels) after a workout. , higher power numbers, higher avg and max HR, faster speeds), my gut felt horrible by the last 30 miles. You said you use Abbott Precision Xtra and their Ketone strips. I think Ben is doing a remarkable job, certainly based on the long conversation I had with him on Sunday after his race. I was wondering, can ketosis and (hereditary) kidney disease co-exist. In regards to the race scenarios I have posted above. But I still wanted to stick with the LCHF diet because I think in the long term it will provide better health and energy day to day, so I have gotten back on it. Basically, it sucks for everybody when they are first getting adapted. Our bodies are able to run on a high carbohydrate diet, but to do this for optimal health we then we must limit our fat and stay in starvation mode through reduced calories. Well the easiest way to stay in the starvation mode is to starve yourself. Not sure which kidney condition, but I guess the question is what additional demands does a KD place on a less functional kidney. The apples we eat today contain much more sugar than anything you could find in the wild. Dr. I know you are very busy, but give me the easiest and least time consuming answer that you have on this. I love going here to learn as you have indepth articles on intense exercise (and so many more keto topics) and the ketogenic diet. At the same time, with insulin low, would your liver not start up gluconeogenesis overnight, to get your blood sugar higher. As you note, most of the carb is soluble fiber. I can stay just above the NK level for a few days or a week, and then drop back in by a) being really strict with the diet, b) intense exercise, c) fasting for a day or day and a half or d) some combination of these. Fruits are the same, sweet apple varieties are a modern invention along with most sweet fruits. Why do we need pre-event meals (morning of) and why does their composition matter. No evidence post-lift CHO plays any role in muscle synthesis. When I visited a clinic at the hospital this week, I had 570 in PEF. During my hike last night, I was fixated on this. Again, according to the calorie is calorie camp. This was a particularly hard event (5hr 19min, 6000cal burn, 85-90% of MHR) and I beat my times from years past. I was actually going to ask how to use the anabolic effects of insulin despite a low carb diet before I read that comment. Then it will take days to break this cycle. Can you provide these citations, source and reference materials please. During an ultra I accidentally took in some electrolytes that had some sugar in them and throughout the day I was nauseous. My 80-90% FTP tolerance is higher now than before and FTP is relatively unchanged. We did not evolve to produce that much insulin or to be efficient at metabolizing fat when on a diet rich in carbohydrates. Most alarming is my Insulin Resistance score was up from 32 to 56. I have noticed for example that I was leaner when I was exercising harder (P90X for example) and eating much less fat and much more carbs (occasionally pasta, but more vegetables, legumes, soy, oats, etc). But there are several fates for that energy when we eat it. No, this needs to be accurately measured by someone with the necessary equipment to measure VO2 and VCO2. In most folks who are keto-adapted, breath acetone starts to go down, as AcAc use goes up. With most of my heavy training on the weekends I have been aware for a long time that I could count on Monday being the heaviest day of the week and Friday being the lightest. 0mM. Peter, thanks for again producing an exceptional nutritional educational piece. Conversely, there are days I underestimate my glycogen depletion and wake up with very high BHB levels and very low glucose levels (i. Depends on the rate at which our muscles demand ATP. I wonder how this would translate over to muscle building in a ketogenic state, if one were to try and stay in ketosis for neurological issues. I just wrote a post in a similar vein about how I finally started getting consistent high blood ketones through daily exercise (described in the post): Deeper ketosis without protein restriction. I am stunned that all of this information was published in 2003 but the biochemistry course book I downloaded last spring makes no reference to Acetone as anything but a waste product. And even that is just a guess because energy use can only begin after digestion, so at the very least stool would have to be checked. For someone who is HIGHLY, HIGHLY insulin resistant and does not exercise, but their pancreas is still cranking out the insulin by the gobfull, is it even going to be possible to enter NK on any level. You are on the cutting edge and I wish more people involved in sports performance would share your enthusiasm for what really matters given what we have (genetics, schedules, goals, etc. I have no idea, but for those interested, in the video of this post I made the case why I find NK appealing for my objectives. Ornish, Dr. Energy balance in man measured by direct and indirect calorimetry. It is actually the citrate that is beneficial. The bad parts are my Large VLDL-P was up from 1. Volek says that getting and staying in NK is like climbing a big sand dune — much easier to stay on top, than to keep sliding down and climbing back up. I saw in s previous article that your MAF ( Max aerobic function) pre keto heart rate was unusually low at approximately 104bpm for a man your age. I mean this question from the point of view of the calorie is calorie camp. I am reading your post with the selfish question of what to eat the morning of the Chicago Marathon. In other words, a few well-timed BCAA may preserve brain function even as HGO decreases. It has gotten more frequent since trying to adopt a low carb lifestyle. 0. He recommends that diabetics use the total amount of carbs listed less only half of the fiber listed. Yes, what you are describing is type II diabetes in the early stages. When fasting overnight she gets the epinephrine surge and then gets the symptoms. One point I keep in mind is that nutritional ketosis promotes biochemical adaptations resembling what happens in calorie restriction or negative energy balance. So that even according to the calorie is calorie camp, calorie count should be reduced by 15%-25% after adding up food calories for the day. One of the most exciting new ideas in metabolism that I have seen in a long time, is the idea of adipose tissue plasticity. It has given me much greater metabolic flexibility. pdf is the beginning of the section and page 25 gives a complete diagram of the two main pathways for the body to convert Acetone into Pyruvate. My main motivation for this was a pursuit of extreme longevity. My HbA1C level was 4. Attia, I would recommend you read this blog post: Ben Greenfield has referenced it a bit before his ketogenic Ironman experiment post. As another data point, I feel like dirt when I fall out of NK. I should be (and previously have been) able to ride at this effort level for an hour to an hour and a half. I continued to train and raced the following week, a short but very high intensity mtb race. You see, I grew up in a restaurant and my father is probably the best chef I know. And longevity in my opinion is one of the strongest biomarkers of vibrant health. The reason I decided to quit was that the foam layer on my urine (my subjective way of measuring my kidney function, heh) was getting too big. I currently stay in ketosis for about 2 months, and then cycle back out for a month. My diet is about 70% fat, 25% protein and 5% carbs. I have been looking through the blogposts for an answer but have yet to find. I ate at 6pm the night before, then no breakfast and consumed only water. This maintains us in the starvation state, our bodies are burning all the calories we are consuming and the little bit of fat metabolism that is still activated is able to deal with the small amount of fat in our diet without negative consequences. Just makes it easier to keep track of, though obviously fiber and sugar are treated very differently. The same thing happened when I tried some sweet potatoes fries with which someone had poured honey and had the same reaction (the occasional 3 or 4 straight sweet potato fries do not give me any problems). Each day we rode 110 miles under challenging conditions. I make (and eat) the best hummus this side of the Nile River. Usually after a few hours I tend to perk up (with or without food, but especially with). At least I got my soccer player son off of Gatorade and on to water and, begrudgingly, a dash of UCAN for those longer two-game days. Volek and Phinney advise not taking in carbs after working out. There is a prescription med, Urocit-K that you can check out. Blend chickpeas in an uber blender (e. I honestly think if the races were reversed (this one was flat) I would have been fine on nothing in this one. Especially the correlation of IR and higher levels of Plasminogen-Activator-Inhibitor. Assume this is not based on anything solid. Maching fine but wear safty glasses and keep fingers away from the spinning headstock. J Slavin, the world expert on fiber, is very clear that most people digest a lot of it. Thanks for the insight on the blood ketone levels. Peter, Do you think this paper could suggest that low amounts of things with fructose, like small amounts of fruit eg berries could be a superior carb on a keto diet. Mark, If this is a concern, you may wish to investigate potassium citrate. I was bright, happy, and while I certainly felt like I had completed a hard effort, I generally felt awesome. I am assuming here that you have read it or will be reading it. As a general rule, as caloric requirement increases the proportion of calories derived from carbohydrate and protein decreases (and the contribution of dietary fat increases), even while absolute intake of carbohydrate and protein increases. Second question, if I read your article correctly then is it ok to eat a higher carb amount on big club ride days, especially just after the ride. I wonder if you wanted my experiences to add into the mix. I wish every female exerciser could read and understand your work — especially that little teaching moment about scale weight. I think there may be some overlap, though I am unaware of any randomized data showing this. In retrospect, this should have been obvious to me for reasons I will write about in the coming months that pertain to how our liver processes fructose and the ATP cost of doing so. I was going to write about this, but the post was already getting too long. I fully well understand what constitutes a legitimate study and whether it exists. I keep on thinking, in the first race particularly I started to feel a bit low shortly after I had started to drink a bit of the carb drink I had on the bike, it was a very very weak waxy maise starch solution. I well understood the benefits, but I could not see how it could work for me personally. This might depend on bodytype, technique, figtingstyle etc but. weight) has helped you and your family, as I really believe this is the jugular issue. Hence, on this day I consumed about 5,400 kcal in total at the following ratio. I have a blood screening every year as part of my membership in a preventative health clinic here in Canada. It is a somewhat subtle point about context but it makes all the difference. I was also wondering if you know of anyone else besides Prototype Nutrition producing BHB salts for sale to the general public. For the Okinawans, roughly 69% of the diet is the Sweet Potato, followed by rice which is 12%, buckwheat 7%, and soybeans 6%, (fish. I see way too much one size fits all with kids in sports like swimming. Lets face it our distant ancestors ate a lot of plants and our body physiology is meant to eat a diet high in plants. This event was in NorCal and I live in SoCal. Goal is to keep are carbs and therefore insulin in that target range that allows most of your metabolic needs to come from fat but still gives us the phytonutrients only contained in plants. Potential Energy ——— Actual Energy (the end result). Obviously, you did a MUCH better job of getting there than I did back in the spring of 2011. Dr. 8-. thanks for another intriguing article. Was in ketosis for 10 days (av 1. The one thing I have not seen supported in the scientific literature but wonder, is if our bodies are better at regulating essential nutrients through plant food than animals foods. I have also never noticed a drop in my top end, like many seem to have experienced. If I stay below 200 watts, I can go forever, but there is pronounced transition point there. I rode at 250 watts (essentially an SST effort) for 10 minutes and had to work like hell to do it. Fiber is the difference between total and net, right. Yes, but I have not written about it yet. It can be done, but requires care and time to adapt. I had never heard of it until I began reading your blog. For the purpose of illustration I recorded everything I did and ate on the second day, which I rode a bit easier than the first day. Every post I learn a little more that I can apply to daily life. No experience with this, so unable to comment. I suspect it is, but we need more science to know for sure. Each exercise is performed for 3 sets of 5 reps. I have no medical background or knowledge but have been reading incessantly and had pieced together much of what you explain here. Since the first metabolic priority for ingested carbohydrate is glycogen replenishment, I can, in this setting, consume probably somewhere between 60 and 120 gm of carbohydrate following this ride and stay in ketosis. By starting with a low carb diet, then transitioning to a very low carb diet (. The fewer carbs you eat, the lower your resting and exercising RQ. I guess I just need to stick with glucose for now. This survival mode is the healthiest state to be in. I raced the whole event on just water, bullion cubes, and BCAAs. On the conjecture that this is no coincidence, perhaps you could use your apparently considerable influence to get Quest Nutrition to formulate a line of proper keto bars (the current bars are way too low in fat, and possibly too high in protein). If you have high iron levels your body can absorb almost no iron from plant foods or if you are deficient it can absorb almost as much as meat. complex. So, your body would give up the lipids from your adipose cells, they go to to your liver to be made into Ketone bodies. One pathway is Hepatic and the other is a whole body pathway that becomes active at high Acetone concentrations in the blood. I know you did after the workout because of the window of depletion and insulin sensitivity. Esselstyn), all of which advocate a high carbohydrate, low-fat, plant based diet. I was back on the energy roller coaster, and the lows were murder. I agree that exercise plays a smaller role in body weight and adiposity than most people think. This summer I decided to allow a few more carbs in my diet, but I did it the wrong way. The next day, I had trace amounts of ketones in my urine and it stayed that way until this past Friday when the ketone strip turned a couple of shades darker, which made me happy because I had a 37-mile mountain bike ride yesterday (Saturday). I do get this sensation that my heart is about to jump out of my chest before I even start the WOD. I want to increase FTP to 300 watts over next 2 years. I realize your can only talk about your own experience, but do you have any knowledge on lean women do with ketosis, especially considering long term hormonal health. Do you have an article on your site which compares CKD- vs. Attia. Post race my ketone levels were well above 3. Not the easiest thing to do in Dubai and now Nigeria. It was enough that after a few more rides like this, I dropped off the diet all together. Yes, written about extensively in the blog and throughout comments. I could go on for a very very long time about this, but to put it simply, each of these four populations eat a mostly plant based diet primarily based on starches and some legumes. 4%, China 2. 2 mM, and it took me 2 days to get back above 1 mM. My water intake requirement, especially at altitude dropped dramatically. , is a physician in private practice in NYC and CA. Also, rice is traditionally eaten at every meal in these countries, especially Japan and Korea. But it seems it primarily has to do with fat loss. If you do want to consider the link between OB, IR, and metabolic disease, you may find this interesting. Hyperlipid has a nice explanation of this on his blog. I presume this would happen even with a very low carb intake via gluconeogenesis. A bomb calorimeter measures total (potential) energy contained with the C-H and C-C bonds of organic matter. This is new territory, and progress is highly empirical. The decrease in stone formation with this is fairly dramatic. But there are reasons for this — the rise in glucose (and insulin that follows), and the reason this is happening in the first place, the body is demanding energy at a very fast rate. Instead, I gained 8 pounds over those 2 days. Our bodies have evolved to store calories under these conditions. As to be expected, the next day my BHB was 0. The ketones seem to come back when needed. I was able to resume my mileage right away and feel pretty decent all around (I do feel weaker on steep climbs). My attempts failed due to extreme fatigue (which could be normal in transitional state). The actual source of calories is the alcohol itself. We are adapted however to get our nutrients through plant I would argue. The latter is obvious — beer and drinks make with juice will kick you out — but dry wine and hard etoh, less clear. But what do you think about 1 and 2 miles. If in essence, WAT cells can become BAT cells, when they lose much of the triglycerides in them, then, as we lose fat, our basal metabolic rate may actually go up, not down, as the cells switch from storing to burning energy. Your work and attention to this problem captured my attention and I think your work may make the nutritional and medical society take note of the wrong information out there. I decided to test this ability to run on my own fat stores with a half ironman earlier this year. There are few exceptions of nutrients that are better obtained from animals that show meat is an important part of our ancestors diet. I am eating low GI with a view to possibly trying NK in an effort to see if it brings about a regular menstrual cycle, in addition to bother benefits (not sure what you make of the limited literature on ketogenic diets for PCOS). This one simple change means the difference between no benefit (movement towards death) and maximun benefit(the proloning and quality of life). Over 6,000 feet of climbing each day and very strong winds, which were either headwinds or cross-winds. I conclude that eating insects, wild animals, and sea food would have supplied enough omega 3 that there was no evolutionary advantage to developing the ability to convert the inactive form found in plants into biologically active forms our bodies require at faster rates. Again, I think in me this is part of my background. I had averaged nearly 300w on the bike, so I was pushing it a bit and there were many many hills, normalized power was about 320w. I tried ketosis a few months ago, but it seemed to mess up my hormones. While much of the material is over my head, it has given me much food for thought. Had a gel and finished 7th, and this was a national level race with the first 2 pro athletes so not too displeased.

In fact, the harder I exercise, the more weight I gain, transiently. Seems to me the ratio of the gases present determines the RQ and the flow is only required to quantify VO2. If you disagree with me, fine, but learn how to do so respectfully or go some place else. Of course, the post-pregnancy phase, may be another story, as you suggest. This supports humans eating a diet that included meat. Zyrtec if something is in bloom or if I dust a ceiling fan or something like that, or cut the grass. In addition, since the beginning of the year, I seem to be more sensitive to mold, especially when contained in sesame products (as they frequently are). I typically lift as slow as possible throughout the lift while constantly breathing. However, I am stubborn, and because I was seeing so many other benefits, I continued to struggle. I love Indian and Thai food, though I prefer to make curry myself to keep sugar out. His clinical interests are nutrition, lipidology, endocrinology, and a few other cool things. It is also what you would have to do on a low fat diet to make sure you burn all the carbohydrates you consume to prevent excess getting turned into fat. I would enjoy reading it and would love to be proven wrong, if they exist. 2 mM. It seems like something addressable by electrolyte and mineral supplementation, which will depend on the type of stone being generated. I wonder how much of this actually takes place in NK (vs. et al. The result was my insulin resistance returned with a vengeance. I compete in a series of races in the Arkansas Grand Prix. My thought though is the low carb diet just reduced inflammation enough to make the issue go away for the most part. Yet when I do one of my extreme endurance mountain days, I seem to be able to get away with tons more carbs. We are eating a diet that is meant for us to quickly reproduce and quickly get out of the way of the generations to come. A glass of dry red wine (my choice of EtOH) is only about 4% sugar by weight, so very little. Nutrition information from Self shows a 297 gram rib eye to equal 68 grams of protein. Well after years of reading all a lot of nutritional studies and listening to all different experts talk from Dr. Apologies for so many questions, just keen to do this right. Can I ask your opinion on a question that has been floating around my mind. It would be interesting to see how your body would react if you stopped most of the exercise you do now. I probably eat an average of two salads per day. I have been doing similar stuff to be, ketogenic triathlon, not ironman this year but half ironman, then ironman next year. Agree that ketosis might not offer a huge advantage to a pitcher (though some, like Volek, would argue ketosis spares amino acids greatly, and therefore offers an advantage to anaerobic and strength athletes, also). However, everything seemed to change once I started breathing heavily both during the exertion and inertia parts of the weight lift. What I would not give to have this information many years ago. Today, I can slip out with carb- or protein-rich meal, and be right back in the next day. That alone is enough to keep me eating this way irrespective of how it helps with my IR issues. Recent research by USDA that calls calorie count for pistachios and almonds into question. This allows me to calculate what proportion of my energy I derive from glycogen and what proportion I derive from fatty acid. They seem to contain a large amount of carbs ( though mostly fiber) as well as sugar alcohols. I am at my absolute lightest following 2 days of travel (i. What I describe below may seem extreme, both in the amount of work required and the actual application. Most bodybuilders seem to think so, but real evidence seems to be scarce. This tricks are body into thinking we are in a starvation situation as there are no carbohydrates to burn. I do have to be careful though as it would be easy to eat two pounds of brisket instead of 8 ozs after a long bike ride and throw myself out of ketosis. First let me say how much I appreciate all the self-experiments in pursuit of knowledge and for the passion with which you follow science, wherever it might take you. Then I fasted the morning of the event (til 8am). If you have underestimated your glycogen stores, and did not replenish adequately, your insulin should be low. I wanted to mention that I am having great results with nk and my own training. So far my experience with ketosis has been a godsend with the stability that it provides. Fructose, through its metabolite fructose-1-P, has been shown to have catalytic effects on hepatic glucose metabolism by increasing glucokinase activity(,3). If a) my diet leading up to the event has been sound from a NK standpoint, b) my body will largely be fuelled by my fat stores during the race, and c) carbs will be provided by sucking back UCAN pre-race, is there any substantive reason to choose scrambled eggs over (sugar free) ice cream at 5am. I do have a question amongst the wordsmithing however. Do you attribute it to ketosis only, or is there something else I am missing. From my own personal experience: I was training on the bike and running up to 28 hrs per week (given work schedules) and I was in NK for 4 weeks prior to my 24 hour mountain bike race at the end of July. You will also minimize any issues with leg cramps. Sorry for the ramble hopefully someone finds this useful and possible use it as a way to show that both high fat and high carbohydrate diets are healthy, it just depends with one you prefer. My doctor said to lower my carbohydrate intake and in take my vitamin D. Since then I do IF and eat very low carb. I think the doctor could comment better than I could theorize, as to all the reasons why this may be true, but I think it is worth a try, and, in any event, would not be harmful. It is a lot better strategy to burn carbohydrates and store any extra calories as fat from any source (carbs, proteins, fats) for lean times, which was most of the time. After going back on carbs (am I on the wagon or off the wagon) I did repeat as State Champion in the kilo individual pursuit. Comparison of doubly labeled water, intake-balance, and direct- and indirect-calorimetry methods for measuring energy expenditure in adult men. You of course exercise much much more than the usual person. I just scheduled a doctors visit for my mother who is having, what I think is, terrible bouts of reactive or regular hypoglycemia during the night or mid morning after fasting for a while. I see this no where else but in the books of Phinney and Volek. I am afraid the load on my kidneys will be to much. Should protein be taken to almost zero as well. I could probably still gain muscle, albeit slowly though. Now I started hockey training which is much intensive (my average pulse for one hour game is around 160 per minute), What should I eat before hockey training. I am not diabetic, just find that I thrive on healthful VLC. Post-ride: no headaches, no lethargy, no physical heaviness. Chris, depends on too many factors for me to give you a yes or no answer. Diet has suited well for my strength training workouts and have made some personal records. Hi Peter, Such a timely article for me, thank you. It may be more significant for an IR person, where post-exercise IS in increased slightly. I currently do 200 miles of cycling a week, 100 miles of commuting ( low level stuff) and 100 miles with my cycling club. I even included 3 8 minute intervals at 270 watts and never got any lactate and felt fine the next day. In the past I was lead to believe that as we lose fat, our metabolism slows down to preserve the stores we have left. 5 mM. , CRP, LDL-P, TG, OGTT. It appears to be helpful for both calcium oxalate and uric acid stones. Okay so let me explain why I agree that a high fat low carb diet is optimal. There will be a few things we tweak going into Hawaii, but overall, and certainly for the first 8 hours of that race, he was on fire. Firstly, adding my thanks for all the info you share. My guess is that Kenyan runners could eat poptarts all day and still do well. But I found out that I could go for just over 4 hours on water. unrestricted) approach to CHO would be beneficial. Remember NP is typically higher than avg power (arithmetic), because it aims to mimic lactate bursts by calculating the integral of power output to the 4th power then taking the 4th root (since lactate rises to the 4th power of power output). Last week I did two tough bike rides on consecutive days. Have you noticed your resting pulse rate going up as a result of ketosis. C. I am pretty new to this whole LFHC thing but have become interested in it after reading that Joe Friel has adopted this lifestyle and is functioning well on it. Can science ever find the mechanisms by which processed foods, for instance, upset our bodies natural balance, both with regard to physiology and to the microbiome. I appreciate very much your clarity of thought and attention to detail, also your engaging style of writing. Much easier on gut and better glucose profile. But personally, I eat to feel and perform well, not to hit specific target numbers, and your goals may be different. I am curious to your thoughts regarding such research showing an opposing, but healthful view of the other side of the coin. Peter when you have time could you publish the powerpoint slides from your video highlighted in My Quantified Self, Part I. My personal experience has been that I have found it impossible to go into NK while eating vegetables and fruit. This bit from the EPIC trial in Europe left me wondering. Perhaps somewhat, but the data are so unclear. As RQ goes down, so too, does CHO requirement. I think after I re-read your post a few times and digest it, I might go back and re-read this and get a better understanding for recycling D-Ribose and creating glycogen deficits so I can fuel performance better while still maintaining relatively strict ketosis. Vietnam has lowest obesity rate in the world and the second highest rice consumption per capita in the world. So I have now been back on it for 4 days. e. See the recently published study on the diet of Kenyan runners. Sometime during the third week I reintroduced a few carbs at night (strawberries and cream, or maybe a cup of plain full-fat yogurt), and noticed a turnaround almost immediately. To your second point, a lot of us do speculate on exactly what this transition means. Some may leave the body (e. I would love to have a clearer understanding of exactly what is happening in the inflammation you mention. 1%, South Korea 3. Gears on a bike make things much easier to moderate. I see other recommendations such as that USDA one I posted that calorie count may be off by as much as 25%. Breathing problems are just one of the worst to have. Not sure I know enough about this specific reaction to write about it, but I do have one more post in the long overdue series of cholesterol somewhere in me. To me a healthy diet today its all about insulin control and the way to control that is through carbohydrate manipulation. Sushi is in Encinitas (hole in the wall place). I have been avoiding too much high intensity work since that actually tends to spike my blood sugar. I suspect this has to do as much with fat-adaptation, as with the reintroduction of carbs. I then had three pints of IPA and a nine-inch pepperoni pizza. I must admit, I was a bit skeptic when I heard about KD. It depends on the intensity of the workout and a host of other factors. Mental acuity while exercising may be as much to do with specific amino acids as it is hepatic glucose output, as crazy as that sounds. Since starting LC have you had the increase in FBG that so many LC folks have. I can understand the reasons for it (we are all making wagers with our health about what the right science is) so there is lots of anxiety tied up with being challenged on our nutritional beliefs. How often should I realistically test my blood for things such as triglycerides and cholesterol and should I test my glucose and bhb levels as well. Grab a paper from the critical care literature. 6. In my experience, working with athletes and non-athletes, most tend to make two errors (for lack of a better word). Perhaps, just be sure to distinguish between CLINICAL hypothryroidism and LAB hypothyroidism. D. My question is somewhat in line with this entry. Okinawans in Japan, Costa Ricans on the Nicoya Peninsula, Sardinians in the Barbagia Region of Sardinia, and 7th Day Adventists in Loma Linda, California. The calorie is calorie camp would still have to explain the more recent research that measured the inconsistency in counting calories. This is how I have been training for years. Obesity Rates: Vietnam 0. This post answered an important question that was bothering me. In the race i felt great, about 50th out of the water, 8th coming in off the bike, ran up to 3rd on the run, got to mile 9 out of 13 and bonked spectacularly, I could barely walk. For this reason, I am sold on low-carb for endurance sports. This has led me to believe that it is better for me to either have no carbs at all, or have lots and lots of them and keep fueling with them regularly. So before freaking out at the sight of the scale, keep in mind that most day-to-day weight movement in our bodies is indeed water movement into and out of the plasma and interstitial space, respectively. The excreted Mg will absorb water and bulk up your stools. I am also an endurance athlete so I find your ability to relate your nutrition to performance extra interesting. I raced again this weekend, this time, I had a keto shake for breakfast, with a bit of coconut milk, oil, spinach and cinnamon, yum. No evidence post-lift CHO plays any role in muscle synthesis. I have been on a nutritional journey myself, so to speak, but interestingly have arrived at the total opposite end of the nutritional spectrum. Looking forward to reading about the work of you, Gary Taubes and NuSi. I think what might help is that when I do eat something higher in carbs, I try to preemptively counteract it with protein and fat. With regards to constipation, you might try adding magnesium to your system. For the majority (E3), there seemed to be significant improvement. , Vitamix) with enough lemon juice and hot water to keep it mixable. Let me illustrate what this looks like for Joe (left), Jane (middle), and Jeff (right — an example of a calorie restricted KD), three hypothetical people in NK — but each with different caloric requirements. Over on the Wheat Belly blog, I see a steady stream of people who have quit wheat reporting acute re-exposure reactions. 1 mM. A bonus is that the next day after a hard workout and a modest refueling with protein I am in the ephoric range of deep ketosis. In this state our bodies really kick in to survival mode and are able to deal with a lot of molecules that have negative health consequences under a high carbohydrate diet, i. On the RQ front, is a measurement of O2 and CO2 sufficient, without the flow rate. That and I grew up doing a lot of free diving in Florida so I have really good chest expansion. In other words, I utilized between 84 and 138 gm of glycogen. If this is true what is the best way to accomplish this goal. Presumably, one could achieve the latter with the right timing and the right source of carbohydrate. The second ride took 6 hours and 5 minutes. Wanted to see if you had any thoughts on this and if you experienced anything like this when you switched over to a low carb diet. I love ketosis an it seems to work really well for me after my brain injury, however my sleep tanks after about 2-3 weeks so I want to add some carbs using this formula. I really only think of HR now as it pertains to power and lactate accumulation. I took to heart all the advice on the blog, monitoring protein intake, increasing salt intake, introducing BCAAs, but nothing seemed to make a significant difference. I have allergy mediated asthma which is not overly severe but it would always be a constant thorn in my side. e. Blue Zones explores the dietary habits of 4 of the longest lived peoples on earth that have the highest concentrations of centenarians. You may like the Gen UCAN product, super starch. e. 8, but the optimal range is 5. It sucks being obese and not being able to do anything about it because of lack of effective information. I would argue that it is important to try and eat nutrient dense animal foods. Does the body produce so much citric acid anyway that any extra you ingest is simply trivial. 3% and Singapore 6. We did not evolve to burn carbohydrates as our primary fuel source all the time. Very well understood there, but poorly understood in the exercise world. The following morning, my BHB level was 2. Specifically, super-threshold efforts would suffer quite a bit. You previous article made me think a lot. However, what actually worries me is the combination of the ketone bodies, which as far as my knowledge goes increase GFR, the -too high still- protein consumption, which increase GFR and the heavy dietary electrolyte load. Is Acetone a useful substrate, or just a waste product. Peter, can PEF, Peak Expiratory Flow change due to a ketogenic diet. Add salt, pepper, garlic puree or powder, olive oil, cumin, coriander, more lemon juice than you think reasonable, sesame seed paste (tahini). I am a category 3 cyclist that trains between 6-12 hours a week on average. Risk of stones is his latest bugaboo after seeing me lose fat without a noticeable decrease in energy or performance. By definition, science requires you LOOK AT FACTS AND DATA and then postulate a theory BASED on the facts and data. 9%, Japan 3. I got a second opinion, and that doctor also said to lower carbohydrate intake and increase vitamin D. The investigators, in their defense, are trying to find some simple yardstick to measure risk by. Likely I will get the idea between unlocking the pay wall, the Marino text you mentioned and some endless reference reading. I thought it was topical, especially where he talks about competitive Biking. Absolutely, but those take place within the body, which we define as a closed system. Everything I know is that this is unhealthy. This New Years I resolved to become a low-fat vegan after reading The Starch Solution (John McDougall), The China Study, Blue Zones (Dan Buettner), and How to Prevent and reverse Heart Disease (C. That looks like careful work, demonstrating modulation of CMA by lipids in those models. Her doctor should probably look at other endocrine systems, including adrenal axis, and even measure glucagon, along with OGTT, etc. I feel stronger ( more repetitions in say chin-ups ) and have more endurance in things like running. You will likely require CHO to maximize your performance in a game like hockey, especially at the intensity you describe. Peter, do you recommend carb reloading after every glycogen depleting activity. If i could drink this blog i would be drunk on facts and wondering if that alone would lower my insulin levels (psychosomatic testing has proven to be inconclusive). That absolutely was not an issue this year. I am more muscular on my upper body, but my belly is bigger. My triglycerides was up from 78 to 100. Prior to your posting that, Amazon could ship an order of these bars immediately. Great information, always look forward to your posts and appreciate your time invested on this site. This effect has been noted for several years, in fact, it may partially explain some aspects of gastric bypass (e. Also, I typically lift several sets of 5 reps with 105 lb dumbbells and 225 lb military presses. I have no idea how I was able to crank out one post a week for so long. One, on a low carb site, one guy commented that any degradation in performance for anaerobic activity went away when he kept his serum ketone level above 2. The is well documented in humans and animal models. Maybe i need much more exercise to remove all those fatty acids available in my plasma due to my diet. Taking any electrolyte assumes you have normal kidney function. People who work out and are concerned with their health place far too much stock in that one shoddy number, and that number is subject to more ups and downs than a kangaroo on a trampoline. I am on a strict ketogenic diet and train on a regular basis. On the other hand, I believe a previous publication from the same data set, focused upon BMI, showed the low end of the scale turning J-shaped. I have been recommending your BLOG to patients frequently to patients over the past two years as a very important resource to correct nutrition. If so that could drastically change the workout protocol for most of us. In my experience, fiber still seems to impact ketosis, though less so. These folks were, by my standards, not even in the mildest form of ketosis. Not really having any cravings for sugar but back out on the bike I am right back where I started. Attia, in my searching around the web today I discovered the EPA Toxicological Review of Acetone from 2003. Perhaps I am just not understanding what I am reading, college chemistry was over 20 years ago for me and I never used it for anything after graduation. I am aware you have been pretty consistently in ketosis for the past two years, do you think these issues are a cause for concern. 5%, Indonesia 2. 8. Based on mechanical work output, this required about 5,000 kcal. Look at the table of BHB levels in the subgroups. Thanks for all the time you spend on this. I find myself opening the video and fast forwarding through to find particular slides. It takes every ounce of will power I have to write one a month now with current schedule. ) is interesting. They were constantly battling starvation and had to make use of all sources of food available to survive. I do IF as well to compensate that I cannot work out as much as I would like (5x). This morning I stumbled across which states that clinical investigators in 1979 established that Acetone is not just a waste product, approximately 70% of Acetone formed from acetoacetate in the blood is processed by the Liver into Glucose and Protein structures. The problem is, whatever fruits and vegetables our ancestors could find at this time of the year, they are not available to us any more. Thanks again for all the time and effort you put into this blog. First of all, thank you for writing this blog. The section I think you will find of interest is section 3. When the body gets some time to rest, it dumps the excess fluid. Even vegetables we think of today as low in carbohydrates (broccoli, kale, and spinach) are nothing like what our ancestors would have come across. For me, I add fruit whenever I crave it, and even true starches when I feel particularly exhausted (and the few days before my biggest events). I accept that as this was my first week of low carb my body is still learning to use fat for energy. Today we have to use modern nutritional science to figure out the best, most sustainable way to keep ourselves in this survival mode while we maximize the nutritional content of our diet. My trainer is skeptical about NK but interested in observing my experience. I am not sure if keto-adaptation would help, but I do suspect a more measured (vs. I had eggs, bacon, and sausage for breakfast, and on the hike I had about 8oz of salted cashews and 4 oz of sharp cheddar. Probably true for the more complex tests also. My conjecture is that goat grass (what modern semi-dwarf hybrid wheat largely is), and gluten-bearing grains generally, are violently incompatible with ideal human gut flora. Page 16 of the. On the day before the ride I reported on, I did basically the same thing, except I used much more fruit to replenish glycogen. This topic may be one of the next big things in nutrition (for those cut loose of consensus dogma, anyway). To take on a 40-mile ride like I did yesterday is gutsy, but I firmly believe the low carb diet allowed me to tap into my reserves to keep going. Dr. I would like to believe that this is the case as it would explain how people on strict carb restriction are able to regenerate Glycogen in their muscles much more efficiently than if only the Glycerol and Glucogenic Protein bodies are involved. Besides, there are FAR better ways to predict risk if you have access to lab testing. 9%(CIA Spotlight on Obesity Rates). Furthermore, I know my VO2 at 185 watts is 2. This mechanism has been shown to relate to an approximately 30 % decrease in hepatic glucose production under hyperglycaemic conditions in type 2 diabetic subjects(,3) and an approximately 3-fold increase in glycogen synthesis by 13C NMR spectroscopy under euglycaemic conditions in non-diabetic subjects. This formula works well for keeping my blood sugars balanced with my insulin injections. In that work, there is no examination of ketone body effects, of course-not what they were studying. Yes I think we evolved to get fat when a lot of carbohydrate dense food was abundant. I wanted to hear your thoughts on this recent study reported on by Gina Kolata. Just read a review article on this recently. This means I consumed, from both muscle and liver glycogen stores, between 20% and 33% of my energy needs from glycogen. My last 50 mile run I just ran on 200 calories from a quest bar. Great article and information that I will be referring to in attempts to fuel my cycling, especially on the high volume weekends. Now I eat much more fat (probably 65%) and I exercise much less frequently (usually weights and some squash). Hence, of these 1,680 kcal needed to pedal 185 watts for 120 minutes, 336 to 554 kcal came from glycogen. Gotta cancel out that one bad copy of Factor V Leiden I inherited, coupled with IR, somehow. The body will take what it needs of the Mg and excrete the rest in your bowels. But for me the emotional joy of exercise outweighs the downside (time, pain, etc. This also explains why I looked so PUFFY in the finish line pictures of the two marathons I completed in a former life. Two quick questions, but first I want to say that I LOVE your detailed, evidence based blog. If it only measures potential, then all we know from a calorimeter is the maximum energy possible to extract from this food. I started the new approach to eating about 3 weeks ago cutting my carbs down to about 50g a day and increasing my fat consumption. Diet plays a much bigger role in fuel partitioning than training, though the latter helps. On the club ride this week I completed the distance, however was very slow and got dropped out the back. Obesity increasing 300% in 30 years is not caused by genetics or evolution (which would take thousands and or hundreds of thousands of years). Attia, I was curious your thoughts on why you have been able to escape the negative effects on your labs from marathon style exercise that others like Ben Greenfeild had. Problem with free flight is that you have to chase the darned things cross country. Eric, you may want to consider adding some caprylic acid in small doses to help with both issues. Anyway I have a few last stubborn vanity lbs to lose re: body-fat and decided to up my biking volume to achieve this. Thanks, Paul, but I still wish nutrition could be discussed in a manner distinct from debating legalization of abortion of immigration reform. You may mean well but your position is just as valid (and amusing) as the half-wit Neurosurgeon Dr. Whatever Mg is absorbed is a good thing, so you kill two birds with one stone. This 1990 study shows that doubly labelled water measured energy expenditure as 15% less than room and other calorimetry (sample size 4). This does not require readaptation, in my experience. Also there are the implications of ketosis acting as a stressor on the body due to more readily freeing fatty acids as well as increased cortisol and estrogen production for lack of glucose. I stumbled through it painfully without really knowing what I was doing. The challenge I have is, if I follow a diet that keeps me in NK, one where the majority of caloric intake comes from fats such as eggs or meat, my cholesterol (total) soars into the 485 range with my LDL at 343. Also, I think it would be helpful if some research was devoted to the transition into LC. Are there any brands of BCAA that you recommend. I saw a noticeable improvement within a few days. During the second week I felt completely wiped out and struggled a lot with even 5 milers. I read about how IR is normal in pregnancy because it helps facilitate the transfer of nutrients to the fetus. i. Am I oxidizing fat more than glycogen, thus limiting lactic acid build up, by constantly breathing even with very heavy weight. 2 mM and blood glucose was 5. Coincidentally, I have had trouble keeping blood ketone levels up. I found some interesting studies via google scholar. Hi Peter, always incredibly interesting and instructive articles. Barry, I think the scientific community is only scratching the surface of what the options exist for AD. I count total carbs inclusive of all carbs, including sugar and fiber. E. , stool, urine), which is relatively straightforward to check, but rarely amounts to much outside of massive nitrogen losses (urine) or steatorrhea (stool). g. One thing I noticed in my lifting was that at first it seemed impossible to reach the same level of strength as I had when I had a carbo loaded diet. Any confirmation or explanation on my freakish strength since on NK and breathing would be appreciated. The first few days were pretty tough as I have lived my whole 43 years on a high carb American diet, but after about a week I was feeling good and the cravings for sugar went away. My diet the day of the hike was remarkably similar to yours. OK, Peter, please provide the sources, peer reviewed studies and reference material which substantiates your position. If this study result is accurate then all three of the ketone bodies are very useful for human metabolism, with the Acetone supplying a second source of Glucose along side the Glycerol from the Triglyceride molecules. I also believe when many separate sources reach the same conclusions it usually means there is strong truth to the finding. And the cravings came back — especially in the evenings, as my blood sugar dropped and my body was telling me to eat carbs to bring it back up. The human fetus is sterile, but it must be colonized by bacteria to survive, a hugely complex and variable process. BUT, I noticed that my cycling went downhill fast. To your knowledge, is the HOMA-IR model being used (adopted) more in clinical practice than I am simply aware of. Hi Peter. I have increased my ride length from 18 mile (avg) to much greater (60-100). I have to be careful when VLC to avoid hypo-glycaemic episodes and need to eat about 120g of protein a day to avoid these and also be careful about eg alcohol as this can be very problematic from this perspective. I too have been doing my own testing and have been learning similar lessons. Thanks for providing such a wonderful forum and being so engaged with your audience. The highest morning level during that period was 5. Theory and validity of indirect calorimetry during net lipid synthesis. acetone overdose). T. What great drama that would be, great TV. ). 81mg enteric coated ASA and 100mg Nattokinase. After a couple of days back on carbs I went for a ride and felt fine. But there is also good quality evidence that ketone body concentration positively affects CMA. I was reading that part as I was taking my b. I normally am still very se